Full-text, contextual search engine technology for database searching, content management, text and data mining, BI, and ‘Big Data’ applications.

DOCU/MASTER, the grandfather of search engines, is the premier full-text contextual knowledge management system for IBM mainframe environments.  DOCU/MASTER provides fast, efficient contextual search and retrieval of structured (field/record) and unstructured (free-form text) information based on specific word(s), phrase(s), or concepts.  DOCU/MASTER features a complete full-text searching capability utilizing Boolean (AND/OR/NOT) operators; wildcarding; adjacency and proximity searching; limit and range searching; and synonym tables and artificial indexing.  DOCU/MASTER utilizes a proprietary ‘net change’ indexing methodology that reduces overall index size and provides consistent sub-second response times, regardless of the size of the index, the number of documents/records being searched, or the frequency of the searched elements.

DOCU/MASTER’s extensive API and data ‘meta-file’ facility enables it to be easily embedded within legacy applications to provide an expanded search function, data and/or text mining capabilities, or other e-discovery facilities.